From December 2014 to February 2015,and from June to August 2015,the summer and winter bird diversity of Wucheng Peninsula Poyang Lake was studied by line-transect method.A total of 126 bird species belonging to 45 families of 15 orders were recorded.Among species,3 are listed as Class I state key protected wild animals in China and 9 as class II.Shannon-Wiener diversity index of birds community is 4.729 in summer,and 4.035 in winter,and Pielou evenness index of birds community is 0.762 in summer,and 0.616 in winter;similarity index of birds is 0.435 between summer and winter.48 bird species were residents,45 were winter migrants,24 were summer migrants,and 9 passing migrants.57 bird species belong to Palaearctic realm and 50 belong to Oriental realm,as well as 19 widespread species.Habitat type affected various diversity indices,the maximum Shannon-Weiner diversity index of bird community was forest habitat in summer,followed by pond,farmland,shrubbery,lakes,village and grassland;the maximum Shannon-Weiner diversity index of bird community in winter was also forest habitat,while followed by lakes,farmland,pond,shrubbery,grassland and village.This research provided references for the management and protection of birds in Wucheng Peninsula.