FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT ›› 2020›› Issue (5): 123-130.doi: 10.13466/j.cnki.lyzygl.2020.05.018
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TAN Dehong(), SHU Qingtai(
), ZHAO Hongying, WANG Keren, YUAN Zijian
SHU Qingtai;
CLC Number:
TAN Dehong, SHU Qingtai, ZHAO Hongying, WANG Keren, YUAN Zijian. Optimized BP Neural Network Model Based on Genetic Algorithm to Estimate The Leaf Area Index of Pinus densata[J]. FOREST RESOURCES WANAGEMENT, 2020, (5): 123-130.
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Sentinel-2A spectral band information
波段 | 波段名称 | 波长范围/nm | 分辨率/m |
B1 | 气溶胶及海岸带波段 | 422~456 | 60 |
B2 | 蓝波段 | 439~533 | 10 |
B3 | 绿波段 | 538~583 | 10 |
B4 | 红波段 | 646~684 | 10 |
B5 | 植被红边 | 695~714 | 20 |
B6 | 植被红边 | 731~749 | 20 |
B7 | 植被红边 | 769~797 | 20 |
B8 | 近红外波段 | 773~907 | 10 |
B8a | 近红外波段 | 847~881 | 20 |
B9 | 水蒸气波段 | 932~958 | 60 |
B10 | 卷积云波段 | 1337~1412 | 60 |
B11 | 短波红外波段 | 1539~1682 | 20 |
B12 | 短波红外波段 | 2078~2320 | 20 |
Vegetation index formula
植被指数 | 公式 | 文献号 |
归一化差值植被指数(NDVI) | (NIR-RED)/(NIR+RED) | 21 |
归一化光谱指数(NDSI) | (R783-R705/(R783+R705) | 22 |
比值型光谱指数(RSI) | R783/R705 | 22 |
土壤调节植被指数(SAVI) | (1+L)(R865-RED)/(R865+RED+L)(L=0.25) | 23 |
垂直植被指数(PVI) | (0.355NIR-0.149RED)2+(0.3355RED-0.852NIR)2 | 24 |
红边位置植被指数(S2REP) | 705+35×[0.5×(R783+R665)-R705]/(R740-R705) | 25 |
简单比率(MSR) | (NIR/RED-1)/ | 26 |
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